Copy of Super Hearing for Noisy Environments -- with steps
It’s frustrating. The waitress is talking to you. You try to hear, but her words are drowned out by the din of the crowd. You're tired of asking people to repeat themselves. And it usually doesn't help when they do. In the end, you point to something on the menu you hope won't raise any questions.
Difficulty hearing in noisy environments is the number one complaint from people who suffer with hearing loss. Coming up with a solution hasn't been easy. But breakthroughs in hearing technology have brought us a solution at last. Read on!
Manufacturers spent decades working to develop hearing aid technology with the ability to focus on speech, while filtering out unwanted noise. Mostly, their efforts fell short. The trouble was, past generations of miniaturized computer processors simply weren’t up to the formidable task of singling out a desired sound source from a roomful of noise and emancipating it from the surrounding clamor.
But vast improvements in the speed of miniature processors have transformed hearing aids from simple hearing aids into something more akin to powerful mini-computers small enough to fit in your ear. Today's new smart hearing aids can intelligently focus on, amplify, and accentuate what you want to hear, while simultaneously reducing background noise.
And smart hearing aids offer an array of new features and conveniences which simply weren't possible before now. For example, Bluetooth compatibility means users can have phone conversations through their devices. They can also listen to television programs, audiobooks and podcasts through their hearing aids, allowing them to turn up the volume without inconveniencing other people in the room.
Another significant benefit of smart hearing aids is the new breakthrough of remote programming. With a “Virtual Office Visit,” users can have their hearing aids configured and fine-tuned by a licensed Top Notch Hearing professional, from the comfort of their home.
Ready to Get Started?
STEP ONE: Have your hearing tested by a local audiologist or hearing aid dispensor. Audiometric testing needs to be done by a professional to rule out any medical complications and to determine how your hearing aids should be configured to best improve your hearing.
STEP TWO: Send us a copy of your hearing test (audiogram) results. You can do this via email, fax, or snail mail. (It may be easier to have your audiologist email the results to you and then forward them to us).
- To send via email, click here.
- Fax us at 828-265-0966
STEP THREE: Purchase your hearing aids! If you would like recommendations or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. If you want to know more about the different technology levels and what hearing aid is right for you, watch this video.
STEP FOUR: Sit back and relax! We take care of it from here. Within 10 business days you will receive your new hearing aids - optimized for your specific needs and ready to wear!